Remember Christmases past when we would spray that fake frost on our windows because it was so beautiful? Well ... Mr. Frost showed himself in a big way one wintry morning (Jan 16th, 2009) here in Wisconsin ... this is for all my southern friends and family who "miss the snow, cold and winter" ... wish you could FEEL this! I took these pictures from INSIDE the house ... the ice was about 2 inches thick ... of course it was -40 with the wind that morning!
This was inside my bathroom! Showering was pure delight that day!

Going out to the kitchen, I discovered he'd crept in under the back door also!

I can't wait until it's so hot everyone's complaining about the heat ... I'll look at these pictures then ... brrr!!
Thanks for the comments on our La Crosse trip, Lora! We need to go back very badly and LOVE the Wine Guyz...too bad we don't live in La Crosse anymore otherwise we'd be there all the time. I'll look for you next time.